Day 14 - Headshot
I was almost stung by a bee! Thankfully, it only landed on my back before my friend hit it off and killed it. How fortunate is it to have such a brave friend! In addition, I was lucky and got away from a bee sting. Imaging how disastrous and troublesome it would be it I get stung by one.
In the afternoon, I was eager to play soccer with my friends, and desperately trying to score a goal. However, my first goal wasn't made, and it didn't take long for me to be sent off field. I was about to pass the ball to my teammate when it reflected on my opponent and straight to my face.
There is one advice from any soccer player, and that is: "Do not wear spectacles during game play". But what would I be able to see without them? That's a predicament.
Midnight was the time where we all gathered in Shun Qing's room to celebrate her 18th birthday. Birthday is the day where we celebrate life, and gift from God.
Surprise! Surprise! The room seemed so cosy.
The injury I suffered from was a minor one. A few days of medication would do the trick. But what if it was something serious like a broken limb or food poisoning? Therefore, it is always important to be safe, and not try to do anything foolish during this Immersion Program. Not only will it be painful, but will also cause a whole lot of headache for the In-Charge. I also thank my lucky star for keeping me safe.Friends are always important in times of need. They looked after me when I had an injury. And during this OIP, that is what we'll ever have, "one another". There are no family members here, and so we treat each other like siblings and loved ones, and look out for each other.
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
-Anais Nin
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